IIT Alumni have the range and depth of experience, and importantly, credibility to effectively help address several major challenges facing India. They are manifestly relevant to meeting national goals such as (digital) empowerment, (social) inclusion and (entrepreneurship led) employment generation. The IIT Alumni Council provides the necessary linkages between the alumni, policy makers and economic leaders to help India effectively leverage technology to evolve into a leading soft superpower of the world without sacrificing the cardinal principles of sustainable growth, democratic governance, secularism and equality.

The IT Industry, the start-up ecosystem, the Venture Capital phenomenon all thrive on the IIT Community; the dominance and impact of this small community of less than a million individuals is unmatched to date. There are several successful alumni, with vast experience, who are keen to contribute but lack linkages with policymakers and stakeholders. India is thus losing out on the inputs of competent and resourceful IIT alumni, not just from india but from around the globe.

A centralised global organization to engage IIT Alumni in nation building has been a long standing need. The IIT Alumni Council with its independence , competence and resources to contribute robust inputs for India’s challenges can play a central role here. This organisation also complements the IIT Council (www.iitcouncil.org) recently set up to act as the nodal body for all academic matters. The alumni are keen to contribute to India’s growth and help refute the often-made averment that taxpayers investment in the IITs was only helping developed countries in furthering their progress. It is with this background that the IIT Alumni Council is being launched on Diwali day 2019.